AI Skills for the Future of Work” a Global Skills Academy Session on WYSD 2024
The rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies across various industries is transforming the landscape of work. To prepare youth for the jobs of the future, it is crucial to equip them with the necessary AI skills. The Global Skills Academy will host a dedicated session on “AI Skills for the Future of Work” to address this pressing need.
Aléas Training: Safely Accompany Groups
Improve your skills to better ensure group safety
Aléas training: Principles of Intervention in Mental Health*
This training follows on from ”Basic Concepts in Mental Health”. It is highly recommended to have completed the first course before taking this one.
York University: SDGs in Action Knowledge Fair
You’re invited! The SDGs in Action Knowledge Fair is coming and will be taking place on Wednesday, March 1st from 9 am to 11 am EST via Zoom Webinar. Come learn and see YorkU students and their peers around the world putting research into action as they demonstrate and express ways to address the United Nations’ […]
Aléas training session (FRENCH): Principes de base de l’intervention lors d’une crise de santé mentale
II est capital de faire preuve de savoir-être Iors de la gestion d’une situation de crise en santé mentale. Une personne qui intervient avec tact, calme, empathie, et qui emploie des techniques d’intervention collabore la bonne gestion d’une crise. Favorisant l’intégration des apprentissages par une approche pédagogique expérientielle, cette formation permet d’acquérir le savoir-être pour intervenir auprès d’une personne en crise.
Aléas training sessions (ENGLISH) – Safely Accompany Groups ** two times available
This training teaches the prevention concepts to be implemented before and during group travels. Case studies are used to discuss best practices and to share experiences from which lessons can be learned. Through training. individuals become ambassadors for travel risk management and contribute to the organization’s duty of care.
Aléas training session (ENGLISH): Safely Accompany Groups
This training teaches the prevention concepts to be implemented before and during group travels. Case studies are used to discuss best practices and to share experiences from which lessons can be learned. Through training. individuals become ambassadors for travel risk management and contribute to the organization’s duty of care.
Aléas training (FRENCH): Introduction aux troubles de santé mentale
Cette formation donne à la santé mentale l’attention qu’elle requiert. Elle permet de reconnaitre et prévenir les situations qui pourraient conduire une personne vers une crise. Favorisant l’apprentissage par des mises en situation. Elle présente les informations théoriques de base et des pistes d’intervention pour guider une personne en difficulté vers les solutions et services appropriés. Elle atténue ainsi les risques liés la santé mentale lors d’un voyage.
Turing Scheme & GSO: Developing UK-Canada student mobility partnerships webinar
This webinar is hosted jointly by the Association of Colleges (AoC) and Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan). It will focus on opportunities for UK and Canadian colleges/institutes to develop student mobility partnerships through the Turing Scheme and the Global Skills Opportunity program.
Opportunities for Collaboration with Costa Rica Webinar
Alexander Leon, Trade Commissioner at the Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica and Michelle Corriols, Consular Agent in Commercial Affairs, PROCOMER Director for Canada, will provide an overview of the market and how they can assist with the creation of partnerships in the region. The session will also provide space for Q&A with the presenters.