McMaster African and Caribbean Leadership Exchange (MACLeads)
MACLeads provideS high impact leadership training that opens minds, doors and opportunities for young, emerging and underrepresented Canadian leaders to tackle global challenges, especially in the Global South (Africa and the Caribbean). MACLeads provides diverse undergraduate students with experiential learning opportunities through work/study placements in the Global South. Building on existing McMaster University initiatives, MACLeads […]
Developing Skilled Future Leaders in Strengthening Health and Social Systems
This project will enable emerging leaders within McMaster University’s undergraduate community to build knowledge and skills to support health- and social-system strengthening internationally. We will leverage McMaster Health Forum’s programs to support skills development in policy, political and systems analysis, evidence synthesis, and stakeholder engagement, while building on our experience with student mentorship, leadership development […]
A Building Block to Global Engagement
Student mobility is encouraged at McMaster as a means for meaningful global engagement, but in many instances, students are not adequately prepared to engage as reflexive global citizens. While the importance of preparing globally mobile students is recognized across campus, efforts to prepare students are fragmented. To engage meaningfully abroad, training in the foundations of […]