Go Where Eagles Dare: Empowering First Nation Students through Global Experiences
We will explore how the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) implements inclusive best practices to ensure that First Nation students are fully supported before, during, and after their global experiences.
CICan on the Hill + GSO Reception

Ramping up to the renewal of the International Education Strategy and its star program, Global Skills Opportunity, and the anticipated changes to the International Student Program following IRCC’s wide departmental review, this year CICan on the Hill will focus on international priorities. The event will highlight the value of the Global Skills Opportunity program, and the important role international students play in Canada’s prosperity.
Information session – International Experience Canada
Find out how the International Experience Canada program can work for your organization. Whether it is to complete a co-op or internship abroad, or gain international work experience, IEC can help make these experiences happen!
GSO focused B2B with Mexico – Institutional partnership development
The Trade Commissioner Service of Canada in Mexico and the Global Skills Opportunity program invite you to participate in a GSO-focused virtual B2B event this fall.