Experiential Outbound Opportunity in Support of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
The project identifies SDG-enabling infrastructure requirements within two Indigenous communities in the host country. Once built, the infrastructure will remain in place, providing lasting benefit to the community. Examples of short-term infrastructure projects that are considered might include installation of water pumping infrastructure, sanitation infrastructure or electricity infrastructure. The project builds a wrap-around student support […]
Canadore College – Outbound Student Mobility Program
Canadore College’s response to the 2021-2025 Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) Call for Proposals (CFP) is an investment in Canadore College’s outbound student mobility initiative. With 76 unique student learners, participating over the four years of the project (of which 40% will be from target student groups at least), Canadore provides a unique and long-lasting experiences […]
Exchange partnership with Castro Carazo Universidad, Costa Rica
Partners were keenly focused on the need to help Low income and indigenous or under represented succeed. • Canadore College • Universidad Castro Carazo • Rotary Club of Nipissing • Rotary Club of Cartago We formalized the relationship between our institutions resulting in the development of a microcredential in Cultural Exchange and Entrepreneurship. This microcredential […]