Overcoming Barriers and Increasing Supports in Outbound Mobility
In this project, College of the North Atlantic (CNA) and Durham College will conduct research with stakeholders across the post-secondary sector to share knowledge and best practices to understand how to better engage low income, Indigenous and students with disabilities in outbound mobility experiences. From this research, the two institutions will develop and test new […]
Study Abroad with International Partners: CNA-Q and CNA-NL
In phase one of the CNA-Q/CNA-NL Student Outbound Mobility Project, the steering committee focused on laying the groundwork for a partial semester or full-semester abroad through study or work in Doha, Qatar. Phase 2 would build on these successes by developing a number of in-house products to recruit, provide wrap-around supports and debrief students. Finally, […]
Study Abroad with International Partners: CNA-Q and CNA-NL
In phase one of the CNA-Q/CNA-NL Student Outbound Mobility Project, the steering committee focused on laying the groundwork for a semester abroad through studying or work terms in Doha, Qatar. This would be a student focused program opportunity where recruits would be able to avail of common programming and curriculum between the two institutions. In […]
Building Essential Skills and Best Practices:Guyana-CNA Furniture Making & Cabinetmaking Project
This project promotes peer-to-peer, faculty led cross-cultural learning and humanitarian support. Students in both College of the North Atlantic (Canada) and Government Technical Institute (Guyana) will work together to establish a learner community vis-a-vis industrial trades by sharing their project work, skills, and cultural diversity through a virtual platform. As part of the initial phase, […]