Developing a Toolbox to Ensure the Safety of Trainees/Interns in Accordance with Legal Requirements
Quebec’s post-secondary institutions must now comply with the requirements imposed on employers with respect to trainees/interns, even in international settings. This raises various validation-related issues, particularly when it comes to ensuring that all internship/training environments meet these requirements. What if some environments are not in compliance? Will opportunities currently available to students be eliminated? This project studies […]
Overcoming Barriers by Crossing Borders: A Partnership with Kamuzu College of Nursing (2021-2025)
The Vanier College Malawi Nursing Exchange offers graduating students a credited seven-week internship to Malawi, Africa to apply their knowledge and skills in a different context. Students learn how limited resources and cultural beliefs and values impact health outcomes. Scarce resources, both human and material, force the students to rely on assessment skills instead of […]
Developing Conservation Competencies in Namibia – the Cheetah Ecosystem (2021-2025)
Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is an internationally recognized center for conservation of cheetahs and their ecosystems located in Namibia, Africa. One of the greatest threats to cheetah is human wildlife conflict since 90 percent of the world’s cheetah live outside protected areas. Vanier College students will learn to create a sustainable space; a world in […]
Project-Based Learning for 3D Printers: A Partnership Between Vanier College and Tianjin Vocational Institute
The 3D Printer project was implemented as an enrichment activity for students that also facilitated an exchange between Vanier College and Tianjin Vocational Institute with the help of MACC. It helped us to maintain our partnerships with international institutions as well as increase student engagement in an innovative way during the Covid-19. Students were grouped […]
Virtual Intercultural Competency Training Using Basic AI Models
The Virtual Intercultural Competency Training project was proposed following cancellation of the mobility exchange program due to Covid-19. To maintain our partnership with Kamuzu College of Nursing in Malawi, and to explore an alternative method for Intercultural Competency Training, a collaborative virtual exchange was organized. The development of intercultural competence is a program exit competency […]