Kathryn Sawatzky

Post-secondary Institution

University of Saskatchewan

Where I did my GSO experience


Skills Gained

Intercultural Communication, Self-Confidence, Networking skills

What I’ve been doing since my GSO experience

I studied Political Studies in Uganda for two weeks alongside 10 other students. We visited NGOs, met with local leaders, visited Parliament, and spoke with community members to learn about the progress and impact of transitional justice in Uganda. The experience helped me academically due to the connections I made while on the trip. The friendships I made with other students in different programs from my school helped me when I returned to university. Seeing the connections these students from different programs made to the course material made me see things differently in my own work. Additionally, learning about Ugandan culture helped me connect with a Ugandan student in a Political Studies class at my home university, and we have gotten to be great friends. She helped me see many new perspectives about what democracy can look like around the world.

Fun facts about me

I was a nanny in Madrid, Spain in 2019/2020 and can speak Spanish.

I would not have been able to afford this opportunity to study abroad. This experience has awarded me invaluable perspective which hasn’t left my mind since my return to Canada. I am grateful to the GSO scholarship for making experiences like mine accessible to Canadians!