Travis David

Student selfie with group

Post-secondary Institution

Nova Scotia Community College

Where I did my GSO experience

Tanzania & Vietnam

Skills Gained

Networking skills, understanding of global issues, cultural sensitivity

What I’ve been doing since my GSO experience

Professionally this experience has broadened my network and opened doors that otherwise wouldn't have been available. It has given be a sense of accomplishment, and confidence that I have taken with me into my current role.

Fun facts about me

I'm a passionate adventurer who loves exploring new places, immersing myself in art and music, and cheering on the Green Bay Packers. Plus, I'm a devoted uncle to two beautiful nieces!

My experience with the GSO (Global Skills Opportunity) has significantly shaped my cultural awareness and intelligence. It has broadened my perspective on the world’s diversity and provided me with the patience needed for day-to-day interactions. Being immersed in a new country, navigating language barriers, and adapting to unfamiliar cultural norms have all contributed to my development of essential skills, including adaptability and patience.