A Small College Strategy to Scale-up Study Abroad
This project leverages Innovation Fund and GSO learning to enable small colleges to scale-up learning abroad. Through the project, College of the Rockies is formalizing COIL as a sustainable internationalization option and on-ramp to physical mobility. The college works to address the small-college-challenge of scale by developing a course and opportunity abroad that is of […]
Expanding Outbound Mobility in Health and Human Services
This project expands mobility opportunities for health and human services students through four short-term, high volume and high-quality activities. This project, to be led by College of the Rockies in partnership with Saskatchewan Polytechnic and Aurora College, increases opportunities for Indigenous students because it consciously targets program areas with relatively large numbers of Indigenous students. […]
Providing access to international business learning for low-income, rural and remote students
This project increased learning abroad opportunities for Indigenous and other students by developing an innovative form of outbound mobility: inter-professional education (IPE) abroad. This project developed a ready-to-implement mobility opportunity for student teams to learn by supporting the community-based organization, Beyond Hoops Africa, in Nairobi, Kenya. Students from a variety of health related disciplines will […]
Indigenization and decolonization through internationalization
This project began to explore the intersection between indigenization and internationalization. Information was gathered on the interests of and challenges faced by Indigenous students in participating in learning abroad opportunities. Based on this, the College engaged Indigenous Elders and Education Advisors to develop pre-departure activities to meet the needs of Indigenous students and ensure that […]
Creating opportunities for inter-professional education abroad
This project addressed dual barriers to physical mobility by students served by colleges mandated to serve rural and remote areas: (a) that rural and remote populations typically have income levels below those of post-secondary students in metropolitan areas; and, (b) that these students do not have opportunities to be exposed to globalized activity that is […]