Reducing Institutional and Operational Risks through a Results-Based Management Approach

Risk is focused on the operational level addressing risks associated with students, partners, activities, and destinations. Overlooked risks at the institutional level including legal, reputational, financial, and operational. Post-secondary institutions can face significant legal challenges; negative impacts to their reputation, repatriation, and emergency expenses; and even injury or death to faculty, staff, and students during […]

From Local to Global

Niagara College (NC) has long-standing experience in supporting students to study and work abroad. The Global Skills Competency funding assists in the exponential growth in our development of more opportunities and increase in access to participation. Anticipating a gradual re-entry to travel abroad, we begin by offering virtual learning opportunities, which strategically ladder into short […]

Global Employment Opportunities

Niagara College has long-standing experience in supporting students to work abroad. For over 20 years, Niagara College has leveraged projects, partnerships, and various funding opportunities to aid our students in participating in experiential work abroad opportunities to ensure they graduate Niagara College work-ready and world-ready. Continuing to use our success of previous work-abroad programs, NC […]

A 2021 Global Competency Framework for TVET Students

As with many Colleges, semester exchanges abroad are challenging to insert into many of Niagara College’s programs given the shorter duration of a diploma and post-graduate program. Therefore, semester exchanges can be complicated for College level students. Additionally, as many students are working while studying, extensive advance notice to prepare students for their exchange supports […]

Program Embedded Semester Exchanges – Exchanges Made Easy”

Through this funding, Niagara College begins identifying and defining where global competencies are developed in the classroom and through various progressive internationalization experiences. We believe that by helping students identify and understand their pathway of developing global competency throughout their post-secondary education that this leads to increased interest in students applying these skills abroad through […]