Increasing Student Engagement through Peer-to-Peer Pathway Program and Universal Design in Wraparound Programs
UNB has determined that its promotional campaigns fail to engage all GSO-eligible students and persuade them that an international experience is attainable, beneficial and manageable. To address these challenges, UNB is restructuring of its overall mobility preparation to systematically apply universal design principles in recognition of the diversity of student characteristics (i.e. learning preferences, mental […]
Increasing International Student Mobility in Atlantic Canada: Sharing Resources, Building Capacity and Networking through an Online Platform
With GSO Innovation funding, six Atlantic universities (Mount Allison University, St. Francis Xavier University, Saint Mary’s University, St. Thomas University, University of New Brunswick, University of Prince Edward Island) have increased the number of Canadian students benefiting from international student mobility in Atlantic Canada, and to enhance program delivery and quality. Through collaboration, resource sharing […]
Increasing International Mobility in Atlantic Canada: Reducing Barriers/Enhancing Capacity to Deliver Programs
This project seek to understand and address barriers to outbound mobility activities for students, particularly the target groups. This project focused on 3 main goals: 1) establish a baseline of outbound mobility programs in Atlantic Canada by identifying available resources, individual best practices, common barriers facing Mobility Professionals, institutional strengths, and areas for resource sharing […]