Holistic Support for Student Outbound Mobility Journey
This project develops innovative and inclusive modules and resources to support students of all backgrounds and abilities throughout their outbound mobility journey. Student mobility supports in Canada overwhelmingly focus on pre-departure. This project fills this gap by placing equal emphasis on supports available to students during their time abroad and upon re-entry. Centered on three […]
Moving Forward: Redefining Campus Accessibility Through Innovative Physical Mobility Solutions
This project aims to offer an inclusive and innovative approach to promoting student physical mobility by designing “high credit value” study abroad programs in which course credit for a single study abroad trip is maximized, thereby addressing two key barriers to participation for historically-underrepresented students: high cost, and delayed time to graduation. The project will […]
Reducing Institutional and Operational Risks through a Results-Based Management Approach
Risk is focused on the operational level addressing risks associated with students, partners, activities, and destinations. Overlooked risks at the institutional level including legal, reputational, financial, and operational. Post-secondary institutions can face significant legal challenges; negative impacts to their reputation, repatriation, and emergency expenses; and even injury or death to faculty, staff, and students during […]
Experiential Outbound Opportunity in Support of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
The project identifies SDG-enabling infrastructure requirements within two Indigenous communities in the host country. Once built, the infrastructure will remain in place, providing lasting benefit to the community. Examples of short-term infrastructure projects that are considered might include installation of water pumping infrastructure, sanitation infrastructure or electricity infrastructure. The project builds a wrap-around student support […]
Indigenous Horizons: Exploring Indigenous Student Learning and Engagement through a Virtual Reality Mobility Experience
Building on the key findings and recommendations of CICan’s Innovation Fund Report (2020-2021), the goal of this project is to develop a culturally appropriate and digitally innovative virtual learning and mobility experience for Indigenous students to use as a case study in understanding the efficacy of the experiences in reducing barriers, increasing cultural competence, digital […]
Support and Sustain: International Work-Integrated Learning
This multi-pronged, innovative project both supports the first students from the Social Service Worker program to take up internships abroad, with a specific focus on engaging target group students. The project also provides the research evidence needed to ensure that these internships, and Durham College’s International Work-Integrated Learning program, are sustainable into the future. The […]
Empower Travellers to Better Manage Risks
The responsibility of managing risk traditionally lies within the systems that govern institutions, and rarely with the end users: the travelers, for whom risk processes are in place. Most often these travelers are students, including students who may be considered vulnerable and at higher risk for a multitude of reasons they may not be aware […]
Increasing Indigenous and Underrepresented Voices Through International Mobility
This project will support George Brown College in increasing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in study abroad and work-integrated learning (WIL) programming and services. The college aims to build a culture of equity, reconciliation and belonging by creating a learning and working environment that embraces and honours the complex intersecting identities of our learning community […]
Business Approaches for Emerging 21st Century Issues
This mobility project addresses the challenges of a quickly changing, pluralistic, and globalized society through a one-week international mobility program to the UAE. This program impacts several domains of students’ life such as personality development, identity, intercultural competencies, self-efficacy, academic development, and professional opportunities.
Waterloo and the World
Students are powerful change agents. Through lenses of intercultural effectiveness, competency development and advancing the SDGs; students who are Indigenous, have disability needs or face barriers of low-income will undertake transformational International Work-Integrated Learning (iWIL), student exchanges, Global Experience Certificate (GEC) activities, and embedded field course experiences via established and new international exchanges, partner social […]